China Fast-tracks the Approval of a Genome-Edited Wheat to Further Open Up the Technology to Food Crops
China Fast-tracks the Approval of a Genome-Edited Wheat to Further Open Up the Technology to Food Crops
EU Parliament Casts a Historic Vote in Favor of Relaxing Regulations for Genome-Edited Crops
The European Parliament's Environmental Committee gave the green light to a set of new rules for New Genomic Techniques (NGTs), paving the way for innovative plant breeding practices that could revolutionize the agri-food sector in Europe.
The European Commission Proposes a Revision of Genome Editing Regulation
The European Commission Proposes a Revision of Gene Editing Regulation
China Approves Genome-Edited Soybean to Strengthen Its Food Production
China Approves Genome-Edited Soybean to Strengthen Its Food Production
England started easing restrictions on genome-editing crops
England started easing restrictions on genome-editing crops
India exempts genome-editing from restrictions
India is easing its regulations on gene-edited crops
Switzerland advances to adopt genome editing in agriculture by 2024
In March 2022, the Swiss parliament decided to ease restrictions on genetic engineering in agriculture, paving the way for genome-edited crops in the country by 2024.