Plantik joins World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit in San Francisco

The Plantik team joined the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit in San Francisco, U.S., this week.

An important summit gathering innovative early-stage agri-food entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in the agri-food sector, the World Agri-Tech Innovation summit 2023 has attracted over 2,500 technology pioneers, investors, growers, and agribusiness leaders from all over the world.

Plantik welcomed company delegates, startup peers, and investors at our stand during the 2 days event. Plantik’s CEO and co-founder Ying Shao introduced the company’s approach to accelerating plant engineering in order to address some of today’s most complex and pressing challenges such as climate change and the resilience of the food system.


Plantik Presents on Agricultural Resilience at World Agri-Tech London


Plantik at Hello Tomorrow 2023