Plantik at the 2022 iGEM GRAND JAMBOREE
Last week, the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) held its annual "iGEM Grand Jamboree" conference in Paris to showcase the most promising projects in synthetic biology.
The iGEM foundation is an independent, non-profit organization whose main objective is to contribute to the progress in the field of synthetic biology and to develop a collaborative and cooperative community.
The congress, which took place in Paris this year, welcomed competing teams from universities all over the world. Selected startups and industry players also had opportunities to present their work.
In the session titled “Saving the Planet : Net-Zero Heroes”, Ying Shao, co-founder and CEO of Plantik shared the company’s vision on how synthetic biology and plant engineering can contribute to the fight against climate change and the transition into a net-zero economy.
According to Ying, we can use synthetic biology in plant engineering to lower carbon, notably in three ways:
Working on traits to make plants more resilient to the effects of climate change, such as heat & drought resistance
Working on traits for carbon capture and sequestration, such as increased biomass and root systems
Facilitate the adoption of emerging, diverse crops to increase the resilience of our food systems: without diversity, there is no resilience.
Other speakers on the panel include :
Jake Wintermuth, from Gingko Bioworks
Guillaume Boissonnat-Wu, from PILI
Benjamin Tincq, from Marble
Albert Anis, from ValleyDAO